From Chapter 2:10-18 on the study of the Book of Hebrews (אֶל־הָעִבְרִים), brother Gideon Levytam points to the amazing truth that took place when God the Son, who created all things, took union with human nature along with His Divine nature. Emanuel, God the Son Himself, took part of flesh and blood, because, mankind whom He wished to redeem, are partakers of flesh and blood. And that through His own sacrificial death, He might destroy the devil who had the power of death. Jesus the Messiah became a man, taking on himself the seed of Abraham, in order that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God. As a man, Jesus the Messiah Himself suffered, being tested in His life. Therefore, He is able to provide the needed help to all His people who are tested every day in their lives.
Hebrews 2:10-18 - He That Sanctifies and They Who Are Sanctified Are All of One
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